Sunday, October 9, 2011

Storytelling in the Digital Age: Embrace the Change

Up until this point I have only dabled in social media and on-line marketing. Yesterday I spent the day at the Austin SCBWI Sypmposium on "Storytelling in the Digital Age: Embrace the Change" where I learned again their importance. So I came home and after months of no tweets, I twittered, and after almost as much time I blogged.

But the other really exciting thing I gained from the symposium was my new understanding of the new and rapidly changing world of digital publishing.  As one presenter said, "It is a mad world out there."  But Oh! so many possibilities. A lot of the symposium was enlivened by the attending artists/illustrators who have a whole new world of technologies at their figertips and marketing possibilities for their skills.

Bottom Line:  No longer are artists or writers constrained by intermediate publishers, they can either create an app for their book, hire an app to be made, or go to a publisher that specializes in digital books.

Perhaps that is the way I will go with my Dilly Dot manuscript!

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